Me before my race- I was really really nervous.

After the race with my medal- stretching out good!!
Then on May 3rd we bought our first house! It has been very exciting moving, unpacking, getting things set up but it is also a lot of work. I haven't got all of my craft stuff unpacked (well actually not much of it is unpacked). But I have been working on a few projects- and have been doing a lot of planning for projects for the new house. I am planning on doing some roman blinds following the tutorial on Jen's What's New blog here. Tonight we went to pick out fabrics at Hobby Lobby- found a few we liked but none we had to have so we are going to keep looking for now. Can't wait to have time/money to complete ALL the projects I want to do in the new house and I look forward to having lots to blog about!
Have a happy day!!