Well, maybe my TU SAL is 3 days late- but here it is: Not too colorful- mostly white thread from my quilt basting- I am finding I don't have too many ORTs because I stitch down to the very end of the thread.
Isn't everyone glad March Madness is here! Go K-State Wildcats!!
I have been working on my quilt lately, its not done, but sometimes Scout likes to use it to cuddle her!!
Today I got the Bunny Binky Pattern from mmmcrafts.blogspot.com. I am very excited to work on this pattern and I think my nieces are going to get some cute presents in this coming year :)
This embroidery transfer below I am excited about- going to put these patterns on some denim squares to make a quilt- but that is a few projects down the road.
Thanks for visiting my blog and happy stitching/quilting!!!