Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday Ten- Things Bloggers Do That Our Husbands Will Never Understand

I started my blog a few years ago just as a way to keep track of my projects and be able to share them with my family easily. Then about 6 months ago I discovered the world of blogging as a hobby. My husband doesn't really understand blogging and why I do it so I thought I would make a Tuesday 10 about some of the odd behaviors us bloggers have. Hope you enjoy!!

1. Rushing to finish a project so you can take a picture of it in good lighting.

2. Talking about your blogging friends or blogs you love in great detail.

3. Spending hours posting to linky parties every day.

4. Yelling "Don't touch the pie! I have to take a picture of it!" and oh yeah, you have to take a picture of it with a slice out too.

5. Spending more time blogging than actually crafting or cooking.

6. Cleaning just the part of the house you are taking pictures of while the rest of the house is a disaster zone.

7. Making way more DIY projects than you normally would- just so you can make a tutorial.

8. Neglecting taking care of your kids/husband/pets while you are making something for them.

9. Taking self portraits out on the porch so your neighbors think you are crazy!

10. Pinterest Addictions!!

Follow Me on Pinterest

May be linking up with some of these parties!
Have a great day!

Signature 2


  1. Made me laugh. I won't admit to all of them, well, maybe not

  2. Oh Zoe, You are brilliant! That is an awesome list and even my husband appreciated it...cuz I always him read my fave blogs...gigle. Thank you for saying it all so perfect, LOL :)

  3. Haha! This is funny but true! I am guilty of more than one!! :)

  4. Haha, love this list, so true! My husband doesn't understand it either....perhaps I'll have him read this list so he knows I'm not the only crazy one ;)

  5. I just launched my blog this week and my hubby is asking a 100 questions. Love this post...so true!

  6. As a new blogger I am finding myself doing all of these! LOL!

  7. Hahaha! Yep. Sounds about right. I constantly shuffle clutter around to various rooms so it's not seen in the pictures I take for my blog. My husband is bewildered by this behavior. I'm stopping by from Not Just a Housewife. Have a great week.

  8. Haha! These are so spot-on. I especially love #4. My husband does not understand why I am running around the house every night taking photos of random things :)

  9. Too funny! My hubby will sometimes snidely ask, "Did you want to take a picture of this before we eat it?" Bloggers understand! :)

  10. these had me laughing out loud!!! my husband, children, friends and neighbors all think I'm nuts!!!

  11. So True!! I especially like #6 and #8

  12. Oh my gosh! THis is so true! My husband is finally getting it though...I had his parents to dinner and everything was ready and he said "Wait!" and ran to get his camera, snapped a picture of the roasted grapes and then sat down to eat. He was just being helpful, but his parents, who have no idea thought he was the crazy one! Thanks for posting this and making me laugh! I'm your newest follower!

  13. THIS made me laugh SO hard! Especially the part about the pie. Our poor families:)!!

    Would love it if you would post on my brand new linky party! We sound like very similar souls:)!


    Michelle @ Teagan's Travels

  14. Oh dear...I think I should go do something now ;)

  15. So glad to know that Im not the only one ;)

  16. Lol, so true! You forgot the part about directing your kids play so that you can take pics to show what you did with them.;)

  17. LOL. Sad but true. Luv it. Maybe we should add...attends parties everyday without ever meeting the attendees face to face. Thanks for sharing this. Made me smile.

  18. LOL!!!!!!! So, so, true!!! An entertaining post...

  19. Loved it! I'm right up there with most of the list which btw my hubby doesn't understand either.
    It was a most enjoyable post!

  20. Yep,you've got me on a few of those, #6 is so me, lol. My blog is only a couple weeks old, so I am sure I will be guilty of many more as time goes on.

  21. Very very true...I found myself in all of them =)

  22. You nailed it all in one post! Love it!

    Best wishes from another Pinterest addict!
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me

  23. hahaha! So true! I would add "... and only feeling a little guilty!" Found you from SCC. New follower! ~Lori

  24. ok, ok. Ill admit to a couple of these ........... just a couple mind you........... ok all of them.

  25. Yep, pretty much guilty of all of them. Especially just cleaning the part of the house that will be in a photo......

  26. #5-- So true! I thought of this last night! I spent the whole evening on my computer!! Instead of my sewing machine!!!! I am revamping my ways now.

  27. hahahahaha This has me cracking up; it's all so familiar lol
    Stopping by from Crafty, Scrappy, Happy :-)

  28. LOL, that's funny but so true! I can relate to some of these, especially No. 4 :)

  29. LOL I think any blogger can relate to at least a few if not all of those on your list. I will admit to all at one time or another. If you ever want another place to link up or spend time come see me at Bacon Time. I really appreciate a good sense of humor. My anything goes linky is live now too, it starts every
    Friday morning.

  30. Saw you over at A Little Knick Knack. I've only been blogging for a few months, but I am already guilty of all of the above! Thanks for the chuckle! :)

  31. I cannot stop laughing; my husband is rolling his eyes (not even a chuckle - reality bites, I guess?).

  32. BaaawHaaaaaa! Oh my this is really funny! I had to laugh out loud at a few of them. That is another thing my husband/kiddos don't understand.:) I would love it if you would be willing to share at our party going on now-Monday. (one more to add to the hours of linking:)) Thanks


  33. Haha...these are spot on, Zoe. I have to fess up to more of those than I care to admit. ;) Thanks for a giggle and for linking up to Shine on Fridays this week! Hope you'll be back again next week!

  34. True, I'm guilty of a few of those myself. Funny!

  35. cute post...can say been there/done that to all of the above!
    504 Main

  36. I love this! So true! Especially the first one!

  37. Too funny!! and so true! Last night before dinner I said to my husband "wait I have to take a picture of that" and he laughed at me and just doesn't understand:) it's sooooo true tho! Thanks for the laugh!

  38. LOL! My fav is #6, but of course I would never be guilty of that ;)

  39. All true...........as he walks by I see that look over the shoulder.......yup still at it I'll be done with the computer in a minute.


  40. Hilarious {and true}. I, of course, do none of these things...

  41. Haha :))
    Love this! You've just gained yourself another follower :)

  42. Ok- you've got me there! Summed up nicely!

  43. lol!!
    So true!!! I can't let my husband see this! ;)
    I saw you on pink flamingo party!

  44. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying...this is SSSSOOOOO true! Thanks for making my day start out great!

  45. So true! :) Thank you for linking up at Ginger Snap Crafts.

    Ginger @ gingersnapcrafts.com

  46. I thought I got crazy, but it seems I haven't loosed my mind, when I take 200 pictures of every projects and at the end I just choose the less horrible ones..
    Thanks for hosting this list :)

  47. These are so true. Hubs will often ask is a tired voice, "is it OK for me to eat that yet?" Saw you on Keeping it Simple.

  48. This is sooo funny and very very true!!

  49. This brought a huge smile to my face!!! So, so true :) Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday.


  50. Love it! I'm so guilty of all of these!


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