Friday, February 10, 2012

Breakfast Hot Pockets- New Food Friday

I have said it before and I probably will say it again- finding a variety of breakfast recipes is the hardest for me (well especially because my husband doesn't really like breakfast). But I came up with something that he does like! Breakfast Hot Pockets.

I got the idea to try these last time I made Bierocks. Normally I would have made the dough from scratch like in the bierock recipe but I had leftover pizza crust in a tube from making the Stuffed Pizza Bites so I just used that.

Breakfast Hot Pockets
1 roll pizza dough (or dough made from scratch)
6 eggs
salt and pepper
1 lb sausage
Vegetables of choice (I used onions, mushrooms and spinach)
grated cheddar cheese (2 cups should be enough)
Cook the breakfast sausage first, once browned drain and set aside.
Saute vegetables in small amount of olive oil.
Mix eggs and 1-2 Tbsp milk in a separate boil.

Add to skillet and scramble until fully cooked.

Add scrambled egg mixture to the sausage and combine well. 

Let cool until room temperature and while it is cooling preheat the oven to the temperature on the pizza dough- mine was 425 F.

Roll Pizza dough out onto floured surface and cut into about 24 squares.

Add cheese to each square and then add egg/sausage mixture. Pull up all corners of the dough to make a little pocket.

Place on greased cookie sheet with smooth side up.

Place in preheated oven and bake the amount of time it specifies on the pizza crust. About 10-12 minutes. You want the tops to be golden brown.


I made a whole batch and froze some to reheat later!

I will be linking up with some of These Parties!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

Signature 2


  1. They look wonderful. I wanna try this recipe.

  2. Breakfast is hard for me as well. Trying to find something other than cereal or toast can be a challenge. :) My husband doesn't like to eat breakfast, either. He will from time to time, though.

    These look delicious and definitely something he would try.

    Thanks for sharing your recipe!

  3. Yum, these look so good!
    Definitely going to try them.

  4. Who wouldn't love these? Yum! Please link up to Foodie Friday


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