Monday, February 6, 2012

Carnitas Meat- From Zoe's Kitchen

This is a recipe I started making a couple years ago when my husband went wild hog hunting. I had never really prepared a hog roast before but this recipe is a great way to make Carnitas meat for tacos, burritos or even for pulled pork sandwiches. Plus it is really easy to do in the mornings before work because you can just throw it in the crock pot.

Carnitas Meat
1 pork roast (size doesn't really matter a lot unless it doesn't fit in your crock pot)
2 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp Oregano
1 Tbsp Parsley
1Tbsp Cumin
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
2 bay leaves
2 cups chicken broth (I usually use the granules mixed with water)

Mix all of the spices except bay leaves in a small bowl.

Place the two bay leaves at the bottom of the crock pot.

Take the spices and rub all over the outside of the pork roast until it is coated. Place roast on top of bay leaves in the crock pot.

Carefully pour chicken broth around the edges of the crock pot- don't pour directly on as it will wash off the seasoning rub.

Cook on low for at least 6 hours (I put it in before I leave for work and it is perfect when I get home)

It is done when meat is tender and pulls apart easily.

Remove meat from crock pot and shred. 

Serve with tacos, burritos, or nachos (especially good with Fresh Guacamole). The seasoning is even mild enough that we add barbecue sauce and make pulled pork sandwiches.


I will be linking with some of these parties!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!

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  1. This sounds wonderful! We love pork and I love it even more when I come home from work to find a ready to eat meal in my crock-pot.

  2. This looks so yummy! I would love for you to visit my new food blog, The Sweet Spot, and link up your recipes to my Mouthwatering Monday Link Party!

  3. Come share this fabulous recipe at my Famous Linkz Party!!

  4. Yummy! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

  5. ooooh! i fell in love with carnitas when i was in Mexico and have wondered since i left how to make them.

    On. This.

  6. Stopping by from Nifty Thrifty! I've been in such a Latin mood lately, and I love Carnitas. Also fell in love with then while in Mexico. My hubs love pork so this will also be right up his alley. Love that it is a crock pot recipe. The recipe does sound so good. I'll be trying it out! I've got my fingers crossed that you'll share on Sunday's Best Party this evening!


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