Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Purple Ruffled Towel

So trying to stick to the Stashbusting September rules when you have birthday presents to make can be a little tricky- but I am very happy with what I came up with!

I really love this ruffled towel- it is sweet and simple! I think my favorite part is the fabric- you can't see it that well in the pictures but it has glitter in it!

I have seen these all over the place and it is pretty basic sewing but just in case you wanted to know-
Here is how I did it:

Huck Towel
Fabric (enough to make a 2 3/4" X 48" strip)
Sewing Machine

Cut your strip of fabric 2 3/4" X twice as long as the towel you want to put it on. My towel was 24" wide- so my fabric was 48" wide.

Sew into a long tube and turn inside out.  Iron so that seam is on the middle of the backside.

Fold in both ends and topstitch all the way around the strip of fabric.

Set your stitch length on the highest it will go (mine goes to 5) and sew lengthwise down the middle of the strip for a basting stitch.

Pull on the thread and make the fabric ruffle until it is the same length as the width of your towel.

Pin in place and sew down the middle (make sure and set your stitch length back to normal ~2.2)

See- wasn't that easy! And Pretty! You can do multiple ruffles if you want!

Linking up with some of  these great parties!!

Bloggers' Dinner Party

Make sure to check in tomorrow and see the companion to this great gift idea!

Thanks for stopping by!
Signature 2


  1. I just saw some glitter fabric today....so pretty!

  2. The purple is a great accent color. Now I have to go look up "huck" towel...

    Thanks for coming to the party!

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party!

  3. This is really cute. It looks super simple and yet very fun. Great job :)

    If Work Permits

  4. So cute!
    Thanks for linking up to the blogger's dinner party!

  5. Awesome idea! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!


  6. What a great way to dress up a basic towel. Thanks for the quick tips on making a ruffle too!


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