Friday, September 23, 2011

New Food Friday #9- Faux Pho out of Ramen Noodles

So I was perusing Pinterest last week when I found this link to Faux Pho made from Ramen Noodles. I knew I had to try it. I love Pho but we don't have any places to get it in my area.

This was a little spur of the moment so I didn't have the ingredients I ideally would want to add in. Also the link didn't have a specific recipe so I will just walk you through my recipe.

Faux Pho from Ramen Noodles

9 Cups Water
3 Packages Chicken Ramen Noodles (You could probably use any flavor you want)
5 small pork chops, sliced thinly
1/2 onion, chopped thinly
3 cups Spinach
Red Pepper Flakes
Garlic Powder

Optional Add-ins: Sprouts, Fish Sauce, Cilantro, Kale, Most any other fast cooking vegetables you want.

Fill large pot with water and bring to a boil.

Once boiling add onions. While the onions were cooking I chopped my pork chops- the trick is to slice them very thin so they will cook fast enough.

Add pork chops to water once onions appear soft.

Once water has returned to a boil add the ramen noodles, seasoning packets, and garlic powder. Also add red pepper flakes- probably go light on these at first unless you like really spicy things! Let boil for 2 minutes, then add spinach and boil an additional minute.

This was very very good- the only thing I would have done differently was add extra spinach if I had more on hand and add sprouts.

I can't believe this is the 9th New Food Friday, I have been having a really good time trying all these new recipes!!

Linking up with these great parties!!!

Thanks for stopping by and have a good day!!
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  1. I've never seen Ramen noodles look so good! Yum!

  2. So yummy ! I'm definitely going to try making it

  3. great job! I love dressing up ramen noodles - there's a thai peanut sauce that's great on them, or I like to add a lightly cooked egg on top - the yolk adds a lot of richness to the broth. And I *love* adding spinach.

  4. Geeze... now I have to go look up Pho. I guess I better get out more,lol.

    It sure looks good and I bet with all those good ingredients you could probably leave out one of the season packets.

    Thanks again for coming to the party!

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party!

  5. This looks so yummy! The days are getting colder here and I'm ready for some good soups! Thank you for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  6. This looks delicious and super easy! Now I'm hungry :) Maybe I'll try this out tomorrow. Delicious. Great job! :)

    If Work Permits

  7. Looks so good! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!



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