Monday, August 8, 2011

Embroidery and a Giveaway

I love embroidery. It don't know when I started liking it so much, but I remember being really little and loving seeing all the beautiful wall decorations and tea towels my grandmother made. I have done a few embroidery projects- tea towels, wall hangings, but I want to get better at embroidery (I want to get better at all the crafts I am doing actuall, but embroidery specifically).

This summer Floss Box is having a summer stitch school on their blog. I haven't had time to partake yet, but it should be a good skill builder. They have tutorials for a large varieties of stitches and go step by step to explain them.

Here is some pretties from pinterest that have been inspiring me lately.

 Love the colors- love the saying- would be beautiful for a laundry room. Absolutely love her blog too. Source: SarahJane Studios.

Love this- so cheerful- love the fabrics hanging there on a line. Source: Paint Me a Picture.

I love quilts that have embroidery in them. So nostalgic and sweet! Love that the embroidery is also on dofferent fabrics. Source: LeAnne's House.

Another great effect- redwork. I love it so much- I someday would love to make a redwork quilt! Source.

So just in time for my embroidery obsession:
Geeky Sweet heart is giving away this too cool embroidery case here.

Act quick- it ends today!

Signature 2


  1. So many stitches to learn... so little time!

  2. I agree with Kellie!

    And I think that embroidery case is hilarious!

  3. How fitting that you mention your grandmother's embroidery and post a picture of the motto she lived by "Use it up, wear it out, make it do!"
    Very cute projects!

  4. hahahaah like the princess and Han so true... love embroidery...


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