Sunday, August 28, 2011

Distressed Window Frame Picture Frame

My sister had some old windows at her house and before she moved I asked if I could have them.  She didn't have room to everything she had so I got them! I decided I wanted to make a picture frame to hang in our living room. I am really pleased with how it turned out. I put all pictures from the lake that we live at. I love having on the wall and it makes me happy everytime I look at it!

So here is how I did it:

First I wiped down the frame and sanded it off.
Then I painted an undercoat of brown.

Over the brown layer I painted a green layer. I didn't worry too much about getting the paint on the glass because I used a razor blade to clean it off later.

Then I did the distressing on it. I tried to do it by hand with sandpaper but it wasn't really happening.
So I switched to the sanding mouse- I like this little guy!

Then I cleaned the paint off the glass with a razor blade, cleaned it up and put a finishing wax on the frame part.

I cut scrapbooking paper to matte the photos and taped them in. I was going to use a spray adhesive but I thought I may want to change them out at some point. 

I was proud of myself on this project, I drilled the holes and installed the hardware myself!

I then glued on the sunflower accents that I made- I will post about how I did that later.
We tied on a rope to hang it on the wall. So pretty!!

Some detail pics.

Close up of the distressing.

Detail of rope hanger.

Close up of sunflower accent.

I am linking up with these parties.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Signature 2


  1. love love LOVE THIS! well done Zoe!

  2. You should give yourself a pat on the back Zoe. You've done a marvellous job with the window frame! I love it!!

  3. This is really cute! I just love square shaped pictures too. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Very nice. I am just looking for such a window for a similar project for our living room.

    ~ Meredith From A Mother Seeking

    A Mother Seeking...

    P.S. Found you through Craft Maniac Monday
    This week on A Mother Seeking: I Created A Birdhouse Dream House

  5. This is really nice! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  6. This looks so great! I have always wanted to do one of these! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Very nice! Love it! I have been looking for an old window and want to do the same!

  8. Hello! I'm popping over from Your Whims Wednesday. Your frame came out great!

  9. Meant to also tell you... We have a sweet puppy named Scout as well! That's why the blog name caught my name.


    A Mother Seeking...

  10. This is really nice! Love the whole idea :)

  11. Great tutorial! I've seen these in the past, but never how to! Thank you for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday.

  12. I love your frame! I keep buying old window frames and shutters from Habitat Restore and am always looking for new creative ways to use them. I'm so glad you shared this at Wicked Wednesday!

  13. This looks great! I love the touches that you added like hanging it with rope and adding the flowers! Thanks for linking to Thrifty Thursday! :)

  14. That turned out the floral embellishment and rope for hanging! I love old window projects. Thanks for linking!

  15. Okay so 1-I am totally drooling over the lake in your photos---soo pretty! 2-I don't know what a sanding mouse is but I am going to have to google it because it sounds like I would like it if it has the word sander in it! And 3-the matting idea is super cute! Great job, wonderful project!!! :o)
    Jaime from Crafty Scrappy Happy

  16. Very nice project! Love the way you hung this with the rope and how you used the paper for mats . . . great job!

  17. This project is so awesome - thanks for sharing at

  18. Love it! I have a window, somewhere in my garage... and I am going to dig it out and make this!

    I would like to invite you to my Wednedsay's Bunny Hop Party :)

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    @ Bunny Jean's Decor and More!
    (my MAIN blog)

  19. Such a pretty window! I bet it makes you smile every time you look at it. Visiting from the Bunny Hop.

  20. Beautiful! You are so talented!!

    Found you thru Home Savvy :)

    I would love it if you added this to our "Strut Your Stuff Sunday" link party on our blog!! And of course any other projects you'd like to share!! :) We appreciate it! Thanks for sharing!


  21. I almost took some windows from FreeCycle to make something like this but our apartment doesn't need more "stuff" right now. That is a gorgeous redo!

  22. Someday I'll find a window frame so I can do something fabulous like this! Beautiful!

  23. I love this idea! I see old windows in antique shops all the time and love the detail to them and now thanks to you I can bring one home and re-purpose it! Thanks for sharing this, it turned out great!
    Stopping by from Young and Crafty!

  24. Such a great idea! You did areally dood job with it, I love it.

  25. We were JUST talking today about what to do with old windows...... this is perfect! Thanks for the great tute :)

    Happy Labor Day weekend!

  26. This is beautiful! I am totally impressed! I saw some windows at a yard sale yesterday, and didn't buy them...frown! I am hosting a Mirror Week over at my blog starting today {and any other kind of wall art}! Feel free to head over there and link this gorgeous window up! :)

  27. I love, love, love this window frame. Thank you so much for linking your post up at Savvy HomeMade Monday!

  28. Wow! Excellence work i like to visit this nice post.I am so impress to get it all of nice window pics.

    frames for photos

  29. A agenda account anatomy is an cyberbanking accessory that displays agenda photos application an LCD screen. Agenda account frames are agnate to a photo album, but abundant better.


  30. Ha ha ha, using a window as a picture frame is cool. One window can contain several pictures, and the design and detail put into the window frames are quite stylish.

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  32. Hello, thank you, I have some old windows, and I love what u did. Am going to start working on mind tomorrow. I love the little flower great idea. Would love to see more.


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