Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Chocolate Cupcake Goodness!!

Last week I was craving cake for some reason. I didn't feel the best so I wanted to make it from a box mix during the day, but I didn't have any. In the evening I found my second wind and decided to go for it. I found this cupcake recipe here. And the frosting recipe here.

I loved the frosting and the cupcakes super moist and yummy!!!

I don't bake a lot of cakes or make frosting a lot but when I do I am always surprised at how easy they are to make from scratch- it's kind of funny how popular cake mixes are!!

So I hope I have inspired you to get out and BAKE FROM SCRATCH! You can do it!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

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1 comment:

  1. Those look YUMMY!

    And funny, I never realized it was even possible to make a cake without a box mix until maybe late college/early married years! The first time I tried, I agree with you, it really wasn't that hard!


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