Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First Quilted Hexagon ever!


Tonight I finished my first hexagon for the Hexalong. I have most of my templates cut out and I picked out some of the fabrics I will use. I made a rule for myself that if I was going to be doing these challenges I had to use fabric from my stash and not go and buy new fabrics. I am not sure how well I like the fabrics I picked for this block, but we will have to see as the other hexagons come together. I will probably raid my mother's stash sometime soon to see what I can add on!

I was surprised at how easy the English Paper Piecing technique was. I am eager to try more of these blocks but I am so tired!!

Thanks for stopping by,

Signature 2

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Bravo on using fabric that you have... and I think they look fun!


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