Saturday, July 25, 2009

Quick Update

Well, I haven't posted in a little while, but that's just because I have been so darn busy!

Progress this month: I have over half of the quilt pieced together. But then we decided to make it a queen sized quilt, so I have some border pieces to cut. Once I get those cut I will probably take a short break on this project.

I have also got one of the pepper towels finished and started on the second.

We have mostly been spending extra time canning. We have made a batch of pickles, a batch of salsa, and a batch of diced tomatoes. We plan on doing a batch of salsa today.

This weekend is the county fair. I entered my "Touching the Autumn Sky" and "2006 Cherub". I am a little nervous about how they will do, but it was fun to put them on display at least.

Running has been going well. Yesterday was the first workout that I didn't get done. Last week was 20 min on Mon,Wed, Fri and 30 minutes on Saturday. This week was 20 minutes on Mon and Wed, Skipped Fri workout. 40 minutes today, and 20 minutes(Friday make-up) tomorrow. I feel like I am in a lot better shape already.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear how you pieces did at the fair! How exciting!!
    Also can't wait to see your pepper towels:)

    You're doing great on your workout! Even if not completed every time:)


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