Monday, July 13, 2009

a boogity boo

I had a great weekend with lots of things happening. I went to a wedding on Saturday and got to see my niece and nephews. Then Bret and I made pickles!!! They are so good and I am super excited about them. This was my first expirience with canning by myself, so I am happy they turned out well. I am looking forward to making salsa and tomato sauce this year too!

I also got all of the squares cut out for the quilt. It didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would and I hope to start sewing it together this week. I hope that I don't get really frustrated with it, as that is what has happened before with some sewing projects. But I laid part of the design out and I really like the way that it looks, so I can just imagine how great it will look when it is sewn together.

One last thing, today I started my training for a 6.5 trail race in September so I will be updating on that on here too. I ran about 2 miles this AM and plan to run again Wed. and Fri. mornings.

1 comment:

  1. Ran 2 miles! That's awesome!! Good luck girl!

    Those pickles do look delicious!! and I love your fabric choices for your quilt! It's going to be beautiful!!


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