Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Reminder and Quick Tuesday Ten- My Works in Progress

Hi Readers,
I hope you are having a great Tuesday.

I just wanted to put out a reminder that GFC is going away on March 1st.  I don't know exactly how this will effect everything, but I know I follow a lot of blogs that are not blogger blogs through GFC so I have been trying to update the ways that I follow them.

Here are some alternate options to follow my blog:

Linky Followers on sidebar
Networked Blogs on sidebar

Now on the the Tuesday Ten- My Works in Progress
Sometimes I feel like I have project ADD- I jump around from one project to another, sometimes even working on 4-5 projects in one day. I think it drives my husband crazy! But anyway, these are some of my current WIP.

1. Quilt for my nephews birthday. I am using this tutorial for part of it, and some applique for another part of it. It's looking pretty awesome so far!

2. Finishing up a beach bag and tutorial for my sister (I am done with the cute embroidery that will go on it!).

3. Jute wrapped letter for my entryway vignette.

4. Remember this old window I made into a picture frame. Well I am working on another window project- It was nice enough this weekend that I could get it out and get it sanded.

5. This isn't craft related, but I am training for a 10k and working on getting back in shape.... possibly a Half Marathon this spring too, maybe :).

6. Building a garden fence- this one needs to get done soon so that the deer don't eat our plants!
Here is our inspiration for that, kind of.

7. Baby presents for my sister- some of these she knows about- a nursing cover and birth announcement, but some she doesn't know about yet, so I will wait to share those after she gets them :).

8. My family quilt- a quilt made from fabric from my Grandmothers, my mother, my sisters and me. I can't wait to get this one done!

9. Refinishing and reupholstering our dining room chairs. I am partway through the process of stripping everything off the chairs, I need to apply some stain and polyurethane and add the padding and fabric.

10. Finish the Mother's Day gift for my Mom- not saying what that one is either :).

I guess I have my plate pretty full!

Thanks for stopping by and have a good day!

Signature 2


  1. You are one busy lady! My husband hates it too when I jump around. I can't tell you how often I hear "why can't you just do one project until you're done?".

  2. You've got a lot on your plate!

    I would love to have a flat garden space like the one in your picture. I have to have a super tall deer fence to grow veggies. It's so frustrating to battle the deer year after year.


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