Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day- Creamy Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cupcakes

Happy Valentine's Day!!!! I hope that all your days are filled with love!  Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays- always has been. Even when I was in my late teens and never had a boyfriend on this day. I just love making Valentine's for my family and friends and sharing the love! 

This Valentine's Day I made some yummy Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cupcakes for my coworkers, hubby and family.  I also got a new frosting decorator so they are really pretty! It made it so easy to make the swirl on the cupcakes.  I wasn't able to eat them due to dietary restrictions but I have it on pretty good authority that they were yummy.

I used a chocolate cupcake recipe I have used before.  I omitted the almond extract just because I didn't have it on hand. It is so good. Moist and yummy!

For the frosting I used a new recipe found here. I ended up using partially chunky peanut butter (I ran out of smooth!) and a little more milk than it called for. This is a good recipe for frosting- my coworkers absolutley loved it. Plus it looks really cute on the cupcakes.

Chocolate Cupcakes
10 Tbsp Butter
 1 1/4 cup white sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups all purpose flower
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In large bowl mix butter and sugar with mixer until fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla. Blend until smooth.

Combine all dry ingredients in a medium bowl and then add to wet ingredients. Add milk. Mix until just blended.

Pour into cupcake liners. Fill liners 2/3 full.

Bake in 350 degree oven for 20-25 minutes until toothpick comes out clean from center of cupcake.

Let cool completely on rack. Frost with your favorite frosting. I used Whipped Peanut Butter Frosting.

Whipped Peanut Butter Frosting
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup creamy peanut butter (I used about 1/4 cup crunchy)
2 cups powdered sugar
milk as needed

Combine butter, peanut butter and powdered sugar in large bowl. Mix until well blended.

Add small amount of milk, blending until you get consistancy you want. I added about 5 Tbsp total.

I would not recommend using chunky peanut butter if you are going to use a cake decorating dispenser. Some of the chunks got stuck in the tip and made it a little frustrating to decorate!


I had originally planned on putting Reese's Peanut Butter hearts on all of the cupcakes, but they were not quite as cute as I though they would be. Also my husband told me they were way too rich with the additional Reese's on top so I just put them on some.

I will be sharing with some of These Parties!
I Heart Nap Time
Have a great Valentine's Day and Thanks for stopping by!

Signature 2


  1. Happy Valentines Day, Zoe :)
    Thanks for another amazing recipe.

  2. *Sigh* These cupcakes are giving me huge cravings! Thanks for sharing them on Crazy Sweet Tuesday!

  3. Sounds scrumptious... chocolate and peanut butter... now whats not to love!!!! Happy Valentines Day to you blogging friend!

  4. No better combination than peanut butter and chocolate, glad I found you over at Crazy for Crust. Following you on Linky now.

  5. Creamy cup cake look so testy.This one is look so yummy.I really like this blog.

  6. I have never had peanut butter frosting...those cupcakes look really REALLY good! Thank you for sharing!

  7. These look amazing and I have been looking for a good pb frosting recipe for a long time.

    I would love to invite you to link on my weekend show and share on my blog Adventures In Mommy Land

  8. New follower, found ya at I Heart Naptime! These look amazing, thanks for sharing!! =)

  9. Oh those look YUM YUM YUMMY! I'd love to have you share this with our readers for our Fun Stuff Fridays link up! http://www.toysinthedryer.com/2012/02/fun-stuff-fridays-11.html

  10. This looks amazing and so fresh! Can't wait to try this recipe! Thanks for sharing!!!

    @ http://www.delightfullyclever.blogspot.com

  11. Following you on linky and featuring you this week! :) Would you be willing to follow back? Thx!

  12. These look soo sweet and yummy.. love the chocolate and peanut butter combo! Thank for sharing!


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