Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fabric Covered Orbs

Last Christmas time I saw this post about fabric wrapped ornaments on Under The Table and Dreaming. I thought it would be a great project to help decorate up my lving room.

I got a bunch of styrofoam balls that were my Grandmother's over Thanksgiving and I used the leftover fabric from my Roman Shades as a starting off point for color inspiration. I really like how they turned out. I think they kind of look like round Easter Eggs :).

I love the way they look in my chicken wire basket I got at Hobby Lobby!

It was a pretty easy project that didn't take very long (once I started)!  I used my rotary cutter to cut the strips instead of tearing them. I also used 4 different size of styrofoam balls.

Here is the lengths I cut for each size ball

4" ball- 12 1/2" strips (3/4"-1" wide)
3" ball- 10 1/4" strips (3/4"-1" wide)
2" ball- 8 1/4" strips (3/4" wide)
1 1/2" ball- 6 1/2" strips (3/4" wide)

Place the first piece down with straight pins.

Then cover up each set of straight pins until no styrofoam is showing.

I will be linking up with some of These Parties!
I Heart Nap Time
Thanks for stopping by!

Signature 2


  1. Very cute idea. I've seen the yarn ones but not the fabric. I hope you can share this Tuesday at Toot Your Horn Tuesday party at my site. Thanks!

  2. I am now following you via Linky Followers :)

  3. Cute decorating idea. So glad that you linked this to Things I've Done Thursday~

  4. I love using fabric in unexpected places :) thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Such a neat idea! PInning this to try later. Glad I found you at the tt&j linky party :)

  6. Super cute! I love finding fun new ideas for making orbs. I definitely want to add this to my to-make list! Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. So cute!! Love these ... simple ... that's what I'm all about!! These will have a place on my Spring mantel! Thank you for sharing on TT&J!!

  8. This is adorable! I hope you'll link this up to my new linky party! I'm a new follower! Hope you'll stop by and follow along if you'd like!

    Mallory @ Classy Clutter

  9. HOW FUN! Love these.. I have some scraps and hoping to make some! Thanks for the inspiration..

    Found you on TT&J.
    Would love for you to come by and join me at my Create & Inspire Party :)

    Best Wishes,
    Angie @ ALI

  10. These turned out wonderfully! I love the colour mix. Good idea to pin the first loop to the ball - much safer than using a scorching hot glue gun!

  11. Stopping by Nifty Thrifty. So love fabric orbs, now I can make them in the fabrics I want. thanks so much for the tutorial, you could make them seasoning also. Im working on my craft room and will make a few for in there. My fingers are crossed that you will share this at Sunday's Best going on now.

  12. This turned out great! I just saw another tutorial on t-shirt orbs on a mantle and was thinking... awesome to stick in a basket.. and here it is!

    Thanks for posting!


  13. These are sooo cute! Love the cute fabrics you chose!
    Thanks so much for sharing!


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