Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday 10- Cute Baby Animals

Today I don't have a lot of crafting updates- still just working away on the Rapunzel Costume- who knew a little dress could take so long??

A REMINDER- The Oilcloth Giveaway ends tonight at midnight- check it out!
So today I thought I would brighten your day with some cute baby animal pictures I gathered from Pinterest!

1) Baby Pig- Source

2) Baby Squirrel- Source

3)Baby Fox- Source

4)Baby Polar Bear- Source

5)Baby Lion- Source

6) Baby Wolf- Source

7) Baby Cat- Source

8) Baby Deer- Source

9) Baby Bunny- Source

10)-Baby Tiger- Source

Hope all the cuteness brightened your day!!
Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Love the babies. The polar bear is my favorite. Adorable!

  2. Why is it babies are so precious? You can just see it in their eyes, could it be their complete innocence? I always wished I could keep a cat a kitten and a dog a puppy.

    Thanks for sharing these sweet images Zoe!
    Hugs...Tracy :)


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