Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My First Giveaway- Sewing With Oilcloth

Today is my 28th Birthday- so to celebrate I am having my first giveaway.

I am very excited about this giveaway from Modern June.

Kelly, aka Modern June, has such a fun sense of style-  all of the items in her wonderful Etsy store are super cute! They made from Oilcloth, Chalk Cloth and Laminated Cotton.

 I love these party banners- so fun- especially with the Chalk Cloth!

I really want one of these splat mats for my puppies!

Kelly's been very busy, she has an awesome new book, "Sewing With Oilcloth" that features fun, functional patterns with clear instructions and wonderful pictures.

She also has a wonderful selection of fun, cute Oilcloth, Chalk Cloth and Laminated Cotton in her Etsy store Oilcloth Addict. I ordered some oilcloth from her a couple months ago and it is wonderful (tune in tomorrow to see a project I made with it!)

Kelly just shared the fall Laminated Cottons- so pretty!!

Look at all the choices for Oilcloth!

The Giveaway
Modern June is offering a signed copy of her new book "Sewing With Oilcloth" and enough fabric to make the Market Tote pattern from her book! How fun is that!!

How To Enter
In order to win this giveaway you must be a follower of my blog through Google Friend Connect.
First Entry- 
Visit Oilcloth Addict Etsy Shop and leave a comment saying what fabric you would like if you won.
For additional Entries-
Tweet, Blog or Facebook about the giveaway linking back to this post and leave me a comment saying where to find it (one entry per comment).

The Giveaway will close Tuesday October 18th at midnight and I will draw a winner through a random drawing and I will announce the winner on Wednesday October 19th.

Good luck and Thanks for stopping by!!
Signature 2


  1. What fun fabrics... possibilities are endless!!!

  2. I'm a follower!
    I love Sis Boom's Queen Street Fucshia Maeve from June's shop

  3. First of all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Second, I think I am in love with the chalk cloth!

  4. So many choices!! I like the cherries on aqua and the light blue hibiscus.

    That banner with the chalk cloth is very cool!

  5. Happy Birthday to you! 28 years old - to be that young again. I loved the all the oilcloth, but my favorite was the Lime Green Zoya. Hope you get to do something fun to celebrate!

  6. Cherries on Aqua - I think this is such a beautiful fabric offering.

  7. Here's the link to my twitter post...and by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY.!/laneycath/status/124373870059847680

  8. Happy Birthday! It's a tough call which pattern I woudl choose but I did manage to narrow it down to White Polka Dot on Aqua Green or Kiwi Green Gingham!

  9. I also liked it on my facebook...!/profile.php?id=100001042143853

  10. I've been obsessed with Forest Hills Laminated Cotton since I saw it this summer! So glad to have found your blog for tons of great ideas and inspiration! :)

  11. I love oil cloth. I have one purse made with it and I get the most compliments on it. I'd love to try sewing with it so the book and some fabric would be great. I love the light blue hibiscus pattern. Now following you on GFC too.

  12. Fun! Fun! Fun! My favorite cloth from the website is Laminated Cotton Yardage --- Tart by Anna Maria Horner. But since it is not an oilcloth, I'm not sure it my favorite oilcloth is a tie between Light Blue Hibiscus and Lime Green Zoya. They are both so cute!!

  13. I did it!!! I shared something from a website onto facebook! First time...I'm so excited! Also very excited for this giveaway! :)

  14. i like the laminated cotton dot hops

  15.!/cneiding/status/125770745975545856 tweet

  16. I'd like the Cherry print w/ Aqua. contestd(at)hotmail(dot)com

  17. I like the brown lace....lovely oilcloth though; all of it,,thank you for this opportunity...

  18. I like the Yellow Hibisicus and I'm going on a cruise so it would make a great tote bag!


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