Thursday, August 4, 2011

What Makes Me Smile- Photo Challenge Week #2

Trey jumping off the dock. I am in love with this 1960's effect!

This week's challenge was something that makes you smile. Nothing makes me smile more than my nieces and nephews. Last weekend they came out to our house and we had a blast jumping off the dock, swimming in the lake and taking the canoe out. This first photo is my favorite of the ones I got.

It's not too late to join in the fun of the photo challenge. Hop on over to A Step In the Journey and check it out!

 Eli jumping off the dock.

Garrett diving off the dock.

Marley jumping off the BIG dock.

Here is the rundown for the rest of the challenge:

Thanks for stopping by and happy crafting!!

Signature 2


  1. How fun! Time spent with my kids always makes me smile!

  2. I love the action shots. Great pics!

  3. Cool shots. I love the colors. Did you edit them to make them look all 60's or did they just come out like that?

  4. Great pictures; that first one in particular is an awesome action shot!

  5. Awesome! He looks like he's flying. :)

  6. Cool shots! The photo effects are great! :)

  7. Suddenly I feel like taking a trip to the lake :)

  8. I'm loving the 1960's action too! I love spending my summer's at the lake. Thanks so much for linking up!

  9. Love the pictures, the coloring is perfect

  10. Fantastic! Love the action...their joy really shows through. :) ANd yes, the vintage color makes it perfect.

  11. Wow! Great action shots! I love the 60's effect.

  12. That looks like such a blast! I love the 1960s effect. Is that a feature on your camera?

  13. What fun!! You surely win favorite Aunt status with visits like these.


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