Thursday, August 25, 2011

Photography Challenge Week #5- From A High Angle

I had a rough time with this week's challenge- didn't really have a lot of spare time and so procrastinated and only had a little bit of time to do it tonight. The light was really low and I had a hard time getting the camera to focus correctly. This is what I came up with- my little ones- Scout and Penny!

The funniest part of this whole process was that I climbed up on top of the couch to get a high angle and Penny (the little red dog) freaked out. She climbed up on the couch by me and put her paws up on the back of the couch and looked at me like, "What in the world are you doing Mom?? What's going on up here??" I didn't get this pic until a little later when all the commotion of me standing on the couch had died down!

Check out the rest of the fun over at A Step in the Journey

Thanks for stopping by!!
Signature 2


  1. Isn't that always the way? You try to take photos of them and they're so nosy that they don't pose, they try to investigate what you're doing. Rascals!! Glad you finally got this shot.

  2. How cute! I miss having doggies! Beautiful photo.

  3. What sweet pups! Isn't is funny how they know us so well. Btw, new follower...I am all about the country living :)

  4. Awww... glad you included the babies! Too cute!

  5. Such a cute picture! I like the story that comes with it, too :D

  6. You didn't do too bad with the shot... I'm a huge procrastinator too!!!

  7. Aw! They're so sweet! Great shot.
    I wish I weren't allergic to everything furry...I'd love to have a dog, and so would hubby and our 3 year old son!


  8. My dog does the same thing! Every time I think, that's a great angle of Max he moves when I grab my camera...because he wants to know what is up?? Thanks for linking up!


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