Tuesday, August 2, 2011

From Zoe's Kitchen- Loaded Scrambled Eggs

I don't normally make elaborate breakfast during the week, as my husband leaves for work much earlier than I do. But on the weekends we love making a big breakfast. Most of the time it is pancakes or french toast with fruit compote. But lately we have been on an egg kick.

I have come up with a scrambled egg recipe we love. You can do this with just about any toppings you want but I am going to share our favorite combination today. You can also vary the amounts of the veggies you put in. I love this because it is a yummy way to get your veggies in at breakfast!

Olive Oil
Diced onions
Diced red pepper
Baby spinach or regular spinach
Eggs (I use the Omega-3 eggs)
Salt and Pepper
Shredded cheddar cheese
Ham (we use the lunch meat kind, just tear it up)
Tomato (Fresh from the garden is the best)

Saute onions, red pepper, mushrooms in the olive oil until soft.

Add spinach- you will want to add more than you think you need because it shrinks down a lot.

Mix eggs and milk in a bowl just like making regular scrambled eggs, I use about 5 eggs just for my husband and I. Season with salt and pepper.

Add egg mixture to pan over medium heat, stir as bottom cooks, just like regular scrambled eggs.

When egg mixture is almost cooked add cheese and ham and heat through. Add fresh diced tomatoes at the very end.


I just love how bright this recipe is and how every bite has a different flavor and texture. My husband loves it to and it makes a quick delicious breakfast!

Linked Up:

Cast Party Wednesday

Jam Hands

Thanks for stopping by and happy Tuesday!

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  1. What a GREAT recipe! I'd like to invite you over to Lady Behind The Curtain for my link party "Cast Party Wednesday" to share this and more of your recipes.
    I hope to see you there!

  2. Those eggs sounds delicious with all those fresh veggies! I'd love for you to come by and show off your recipe at These Chicks Cooked Recipe Spotlight today. Have a blessed day :)

  3. Yum, you've made a great recipe to start the day with Zoe. :) I love loaded up omelets, although I tend to go a little crazy with the cheese. hehe.

    If you'd like, I wanted to invite you over to share your best recipes at my new link party, Recipe Sharing Monday. I'd love for you to join in the fun :)

  4. Hi.... I'm following you through Recipe Sharing Monday. Your post looks delish. I love breakfast foods any time of the day.

  5. sounds healthy! well.. my mom loves healthy foods so i think i'll gonna pass this blog to her! thanks for sharing toast foie gras


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