Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today has been rough- seems like it would be a good day to step back and reflect on a few things I am thankful for.

1. I am thankful for my loving husband. I know that without him my life would not be nearly as joyful as it is.

2. I am thankful for family. That is me with my two older sisters and my older brother. I am the baby in this picture!

3. Thankful for Nephews!

4. Thankful for my Neice.
5. Thankful for my puppies!!

6.Thankful for my job. Not only do I get to talk about food all day but I get to help people eat better and feed their children better. And I get to help support breastfeeding moms. Doesn't get much better than that!


  1. Amazing how stopping and counting your blessings makes every day better!

  2. ...just finding you now. What a great post! ; ) I like your blog VERY much.
    in Saskatoon

  3. What wonderful blessings! So nice to see you support WIC and breastfeeding! I breastfed my first, but had such difficulty with her that I gave up too easily with 2nd and 3rd. I found nurses and lactation consultants to either be TOO laid back or TOO pushy. Wish I would have tried longer! Makes me want to have one more so I can try again:)!



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