Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Sampler QAL

I have decided to join the Summer Sampler QAL over at Swim Bike Quilt, Freshly Pieced, and Fresh Lemons. All it took was a little encouragement from Marjorie at Marjorie's Busy Corner

Swim, Bike, Quilt

I decided yesterday I was going to join (It started on Monday, you can click the link to find the full schedule), then when I got home the internet was down following a thunderstorm. So I wasn't able to work on the first square last night. I picked out the fabric- didn't really want to spend money, but I found some from my stash I had been hoping to use. But I did finish it tonight.

Disclaimer- I have only quilted squares before and a very small amount of applique, so this is my first time working with triangles. I was pleasantly pleased how fast and easy this was to do. I will hopefully get today's block done tomorrow after work or Friday.

Check out the flickr pool to see all the completed blocks. They are all soo pretty.

In other news- I have been actually using my craft room- it is not all pretty and set up like I want it to be eventually, but it is functional now. See the table my sewing machine is sitting on- I got it on Craigslist for $8. My husband doesn't like it but it has wings on both sides that flap up when I need to use it for sewing/cutting and there is storage room for my sewing machine and sewing box when we are having people stay in the room. I think it is a very useful piece of furniture.


  1. Bravo! I have a door over two cabinets in my craft room... my hubby just said, "really!" We crafters need our work space! Hee Hee

  2. Oh nice job....glad you joined'll have lots of fun

  3. Great, now you make me want to join. I have absolutely NO time to do it, but it would be so fun. Enjoy for me. I look forward to following your progress with your quilt.


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