Friday, July 22, 2011

New Food Friday Challenge- Join Me!

I have been wanting to start a challenge for myself for a little while now and I decided this would be one that would be good for me and my husband will be happy about.

Lately I have been in a cooking rut- they are pretty easy to get into but I want to get out of it now. I am a dietitian and I love food so I collect recipes constantly: from magazines, from nutrition conferences, online, all over the place. A couple months ago I got them all together and organized them into my own personal cookbook. But they still are just sitting on the shelf, not really getting used. So this challenge will help me get out those recipes, try new things and share them with my readers.

How the challenge will work-
  • I will start the challenge next Friday July 29th.
  • I will post every Friday for the rest of the year about a new recipe I tried that week.
  • I will vary the recipes- entrees, side dishes, desserts, breads.
  • Every month I will try a recipe with an ingredient I have never used before.
I would love for you all to join in- whether it be posting once a month, posting every Friday, or even just watching from the sidelines. I am sure you have some recipe books that could use some loving! Just leave a comment below letting me know if you want to participate and grab a button and link it to this post.

Thanks for Stopping By!!


  1. Cooking rut... I am so there! Yuck! I will pull out a cookbook and look for some new inspiration ~ Thanks!

  2. I'm in! Now that traveling has stopped for a little while I would love to join you!


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