Monday, April 25, 2011

Soo Stressed

Feeling a little stress right now. This week we close on our first house- so 80% of the house is packed up- I have all of my crafts packed up- barely any food in the kitchen.

I know this will all pass and I will be very excited to be in the new house, but right now I just want it to be done!!!

Also I am running my first half marathon this weekend- great timing right? I am excited but nervous for this as well.

Can't wait to get in the new house and set up my new craft room.

Have a good stitchy week!!


  1. So when are you hosting a dinner at the new house? ;)

  2. Good luck with your move, and I hope you have fun setting up your stitching room - and that you'll share photos of it of course!


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