Monday, May 3, 2010

Loving all the May flowers

Well- I started this post a couple days ago and am just getting ready to post it :) Spring just gets soo busy.

April Goals-

1.Quilt 30 squares- Not sure- I have quilted some but am too busy right now to count where I am at- will count next month :)

2. Trey's Birthday Present-finished - I love it and hope he does to. It is a memory game made of fabric that has pictures of all of his family members on it.

This was a fairly easy project- printed photos on fabric printer sheets- cut them to specific size - then sewed a layer of batting and fabric on the back. This is the bag I made to hold the memory squares.
3. Quilted pillow for couch- peicing is completed on one of the pillows and I still need to hand quilt it. Love the way the peicing turned out. I haven't taken a pic yet- hopefully soon.

4. Triathlon training-Yup- less than 2 months to the triathlon so I have kicked it into higher gear- this may have a negative effect on my crafting but I will definitely stitch more once the triathlon is over. This weekend I ran 6 miles on Saturday, biked 45 minutes yesterday and swam 21 minutes yesterday. I am exhausted.

Goals for May coming this weekend!!! I may have to cut back on goals so I don't feel so disappointed :)


  1. What an amazing gift, I just couldn't stop looking at it, you are so amazing :) I got tired just reading your "To Do" list. What a lucky birthday boy....keep us posted on the triathalon :)

    Ma TK

  2. You're so creative! That memory game is really neat.
    Just reading about your triathlon training has worn me out. You go girl!


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