Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy November

Time to review the goals and how I did on them.

October Goals-
1. Finish October cross stitch (this weekend)- I did finish it (not that weekend!) And I also finished November, so I was ahead for a little while :)
2. Baste quilt and start hand stitching- Yes- About 6 hours of basting and several hours of stitching later I still have a LONG way to go, but it isn't urgent
3. Work on Birth Announcement- Yes I worked on this quite a bit, I would geuss I am a little less than 1/3 done- It is turning out very cute though.
Here we are on Halloween- This is me and two of my co-workers. I am the Hello Kitty on the right. I didn't get a chance to take pictures of my deer costume completed, but if my friend sends them to me I may post them here. Happy Halloween to everyone!

November Goals-
1. Post more updates on my blog
2. Finish December Calendar hanging
3. Finish Birth Announcement (except birthdate) and find frame
4. Make a Christmas ornament

1 comment:

  1. Birth announcement coming along very nicely, its very cute.


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