Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Review of Goals, and July, July, Ju-lyyyyyy

It is the last day of June, so I am going to review my goals from this month.
June Goals-
1. Finish Mirabilia Angel (hopefully this week).- Done! Pictures are posted on older posts.
2. July Ornament- Stitch and finish off.- Done! Pictures are posted on older posts
3.Work on Under the Friendship Tree.- Worked on it. I made good progress and I finished the girl on the left. It is turning out really cute!

4. If I get to it- Hunting Companions.- Worked on it. I only got a small amount done though, I plan to work on this over the weekend when I need a "portable" craft.

5. The main thing I started this month is a quilt. I am very excited about it. I started this on Sunday and I have been working on it every day. It is going to be a 60" X 60" lap quilt. It has 8 different fabrics which are shown below. I love all of the fabrics and am excited to see them all together. My progress so far is- Made the pattern, bought and washed fabric, and cut all of the pieces for two of the colors.

My pattern is shown below. I made it up by seeing one I liked on etsy.com and making my own pattern. I hope it turns out well.
This is my first quilt, so if anyone has any tips or advice just let me know! I am sure I will be posting progress as I go.

Goals for July-
1. Work on quilt- get all pieces cut and 1/2 of quilt pieced together
2. Work on pepper embroidery on towels
3. August Calendar ornament

On another note, we have started harvesting from our garden. We have gotten a couple batches of green beans and we have tons of tomatoes that are getting close- We are planning to can this year so I am getting pretty excited.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job meeting your goals! and your wip is BEAUTIFUL!!!
    Love your fabric and design choices for your quilt! Good luck!! My advice...take your time and enjoy making it! and cut very carefully!


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