Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Vegetable Wreath WIP

These past couple weeks I have been working on my Vegetable Wreath. Below is my progress thus far. Above is what the finished product will look like. (Sorry about the bad pic). I am excited with how much I have done, but then I looked at the finished picture and I realized I have a lot left to do! But I am moving on for now. Going to work on May and July, then maybe some scrap booking.

This past weekend I did some shopping for stitching supplies and clothes. I got a couple bread covers and a pot holder to stitch on. I can't wait to pick out patterns to put on them.

On another note, I got some exercise today. Scout and I ran about 2 miles and walked a little more. It felt good, but now my body is very tired. Now I just need to do it more regularly!

Happy Stitching!


  1. You are doing great on vegetable wreath, it looks like a lot of stitching but it will look fabulous when it's done.

  2. Hi Zoe,
    The wreath is looking gorgeous.
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.


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