Sunday, March 15, 2009

Progress and a lazy day

This is the progress that I have made over the past week. I stitched quite a bit last weekend and then some evenings after work.
Under the Friendship Tree

This past week has been pretty good, our first daffodils are popping up. I am getting very excited about our garden this summer. So far we have seeds/bulbs for: 3 kinds of lettuce, green beans, snap peas, cucumbers (pickling & reg.), summer squash, zucchini, dill, parsley, cilantro, red/white/yellow onions, and radishes. We still plan on getting tomatoes, green peppers and jalepeno peppers. Yay.

We had my sister and her dog over for dinner and I got a few pics of them. They were bad dogs though and tore up some of the landscaping. This week I plan on stitching on April and May for the perp. calendar. I also hope to get the number blocks patterns made. I maybe will get something done today, but so far all I've done is lay on the couch with Scout!

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