Saturday, March 28, 2009

Finished with the start of the perpetual calendar

I finished my perpetual calendar today. I glued the numbers onto wooden blocks using craft glue. I finished off March and April with ribbons and hangers on them. I am not great at finishing into pillows, but I feel like they turned out ok and the more I do it, the better I will get. The wooden part I painted it brown and then "antiqued" it with white paint. I think it turned out well evening though my husband doesn't like it.

I sewed the June and February, but I have not stuffed them yet. I am really happy with how this turned out and am excited to take them to work on Monday! It is super snowy today so I am happy I got some time to work on my crafts!
Once I finish stuffing the two I have sewn I will move onto another project for awhile, I am not sure what yet, but I am excited!


  1. This is a really cute project, Zoe! I can't wait to see the rest of the months!

  2. I love the idea of making them into little pillows to make a calender. I love your wooden hanger, well done!


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